what we do…
We are absolutely committed to creating a radical culture that disciples the next generation to become lifelong passionate followers of Jesus Christ. We see Yosemite Church as the place in Merced children and youth want to be. We see hundreds of children and students gathering on campus and in homes to be discipled into passionate followers of Jesus Christ. We see hundreds of trained and equipped adults investing their time mentoring relationships with students. We see gathering places/worship spaces designed to help children and students connect with God, with age-appropriate activities to promote relational engagement.
We see a growing team of staff and interns working together to equip volunteers for effective mentoring of our children and students. We see a cohesive spiritual development road map from birth through high school - including age-appropriate curriculum, rights of passage, intentional transitions and integration into adulthood in the church. We want to see our students worship with their families and serve during our weekend services to ensure that inter-generational relationships are formed and students feel they are needed and valued by YC.
We know this will take strong teamwork between staff and parents and will require patience. The success of our Next Generation Ministry will be largely connected to our parents. We believe parents are the most important influence in students' lives. We want to partner with and equip parents to be the primary spiritual caregivers of their student(s). Parents are always welcome to attend any of our groups.
Child Dedication
What is the dedication of children?
The tradition of child dedication has its origins in the Bible. The Israelites, on the 8th day of a child’s life, brought their children to the priest for a blessing. Hannah (1 Samuel) brought baby Samuel to the Temple for his dedication. Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the Temple for His dedication.
We recognize that faith comes to a child through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Faith is not passed on to a child through a dedication service. Parents are, however, promising to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord, with the desire that one day their children will receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
The dedication of children is a three-fold covenant:
First, it is a covenant of parents to God as they promise to teach their children to love and honor God.
Second, it is a covenant of parents to children as they promise to love them unconditionally and provide for them.
Finally, it represents a covenant of the church body to support parents in the task of raising children in the faith.
If it is your wish to follow the example of Godly parents who throughout the ages presented their children to God in dedication;
If you understand that your child is a gift from God and that He will hold you accountable for your child's spiritual growth in Christ;
If you promise to pray for and with your child, to instruct your child in the Spiritual Matters, to teach your child to read God's Word, and to do everything in your power to bring your child to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord;
If you believe it is a great privilege to offer your child back to the Creator, and wish to stand before God and the Church to dedicate your child to God;
Then Yosemite Church would love to assist you in doing so!